By Chiara Rizzatti - Chief Art Curator at M.A.D.S Art Gallery, Milan.
CATALOGUE International Art Exhibition F**K U
This world is but a canvas to our imagination. (Henry David Thoreau)
The art of Sarah Guedj - an extraordinary Israeli artist - can be defined as a kaleidoscopic universe of vibrant colors that transport the observer into a joyful & lively dimension, full of beauty & grace.
Sarah's innate passion for art led her to find the main blend of inspiration in the unique ability to find positive sensations in everything, whether it belongs to the outside world or resides in the deepest folds of her interiority.
This swirling ensemble of emotions that overflow from her works is supported by a unique technique, which is inspired by the dot painting of Aboriginal art & develops in an extremely personal style.
The works presented during the F**K U exhibition focus on the marine world, whose multiplicity of colors & shapes becomes an opportunity for Sarah to create fascinating chromatic exuberance.
In Balancing Oneself in the Chaotic Sea - The observer's eye is lost in the infinite details of geometries, textures & colors that swirl through the entire composition, to then focus on the sinuous spine of the fish.
Despite the swirling chaos that surrounds it, the fish becomes a simile of the search for its own inner harmony, which strengthens & grows until it is in balance with the waves that carry it.
Brave Turtle in the Psychedelic World - Partially takes up this concept, & focuses on the figure of the turtle - symbolically recognized as an emblem of patients & wisdom - which endures the obstacles that arise with courage & confidence. Her contemplative attitude turns with optimism to the future, tinged with brilliant notes of pink & blue.
A Journey in the Aquatic Depths - Is characterizes by a real rainbow of colors, shaded by the cold colors of blue, green & purple, up to the warmer notes of yellow, orange & red on the right side of the composition.
This persuasive iris of chromatic tones is crossed by the wavy figure of a multicolored snake, which gradually sheds its skin.
The artist represents in a visually captivating way a capacity for adaptation & discovery that transcends physical limits & touches the most intimate & hidden strings of the soul.
The less you respond to negative people, the more positive your life will become. (Paolo Coelho)